Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Opium Wars

The Opium Wars. I found this to be one of the funniest times in history. Because no matter where you go everybody says "don't do drugs" or "drugs are bad for you." But yet the British were one of the biggest drug traders and smugglers since Frank Lucas. The British traded Opium witch is a narcotic that can be smoked or injected like Heroin. They traded it for millions of pounds of tea.
Back to the wars. The Opium Wars started when Britain refused to stop trade Opium to China. The Chinese Emperor was very angry with this because Opium was forbidden in Britain but they let it go in other countries very quickly. Over 12 million Chinese people were addicted to Opium. So China declared war on Britain. But they lost because of China's lack of technology and old boats. The seconded war was in 1856. This war acceded because the term of the Treaty of Tientsin. Britain and France defeated China yet again.

"The White Man's Burden"

This poem is about many things. But manly the Burden or Troubles that the white man has. This poem was written in 1899. It was originally written for Queen Victoria. Personally I think the White man's greatest Burden is minorities. But that's just my opinion.
This poem was based off of US imperialism. This poem was very confusing but from what i do get it seems like the white man's burden is his self. I say this because there is so much self-fishiness and corruption in the governments mind that the white man is his own burden. I use the government when I say this because the government was back then and still is predominately white. The are to busy thinking of them self to think about others and the big picture so they put pressure and force on there self's and there kids. That's my look and opinion on "The White Man's Burden."

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Scramble for Africa

The Scramble for Africa begin when France moved into Tunis with Bismarck's encouragement. It all started in 1881. After years of abandonment the Europeans finally started to notice Africa. I don't personally think this was a good thing considering the slave trade. But for Europe it was wonderful in many ways. Europe quickly grabbed up Africa's land. This was the Scramble for Africa. Its called this because different parts of Europe rushed to get power over African valleys and land. Some parts of Europe such as France and Briton. Personally I'm surprised that it took the Europeans so long to notice how variable Africa's land is.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Film Lesson: "Mountains of the Moon"

I recently watched the film "Mountains of the Moon". This movie was based off of the Europeans trip to Africa. They went to Africa twice. The first time was not pretty. The Europeans were attacked before they could get any were. Many where killed. To survived but they were both hurt servilely. One got a spare right threw his mouth. The other one was tied down and stabbed in his arms and legs. He could Berle walk or even stand.
When the Europeans escaped and got back to Europe I'm guessing they didn't learn there lesson. About two years later they returned to Africa to continue what they started. When they got to Africa they had more guns, food, money, etc. After they got a crew together and a translator the Europeans went on there journey. They soon bombed into the tribe that attached them. The Europeans quickly showed them they fabric that fabric saved there life.
Well that's how far i got in the movie. As far as my personal nolige the Africans were poor and didnt have to many fabrics. Also the Europeans took credit for finding one of Africas rivers when they where only led to it so they could pass over the Nile River.