Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Binary ClassWork

1. 110000 = 48
2. 101011 = 43
3. 11111 = 31
4. 56 = 111000
5. 192 = 1100000
6. 512 = 1000000000

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Utility software

A computer programs that do a task that is secondary to it's main task.

User interface

The part of a computer system which allows the user to physically use the computer.


Multitasking computer operating systems.

Systems software

System software is a bunch of system programs grouped togather with a particular computer system.

Software development

How software is made and put on computer's is software development and also how it is upgraded.

Operating systems

The collection of software that directs a computer's operation and also controlCheck Spellings the execution of other programs.

Network operating system

A system that helps with communication and sharing with other computer threw a network


Multitasking is doing more then one opperation all at the same time

Friday, March 12, 2010


To multitask is to do more then one thing or opporation at a time.


An MS-DOS is a microcomputer operating system.

Language translators

A language translator is used to convert a language to another language.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) type of system that allows users to use programs in more ways them just the keyboard and typing.

Boot is to load a computer

Applications software software is a program used for a specific application


Algorithm is a set of rule set up and used to solve a problem.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Computers technology has changed for the better in my lifetime. I remember when computers only in houses and not even everybody owned one. Now we have laptops and other computer devices. Some are even small enough to fit in your pocket. For example most smart phones can do the same stuff as personal home computers. Everything has basically become smaller and faster. As for my mothers generation of computers they where hard to come by. Unlike today where there are about 10 computers in the library. During this time you were lucky if the library had 2 or 3 computers.
Computer Parts
Monitor, Tower, KeyBaord, Mouse

Types Of Computers
..Smart Phones