Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"The White Man's Burden"

This poem is about many things. But manly the Burden or Troubles that the white man has. This poem was written in 1899. It was originally written for Queen Victoria. Personally I think the White man's greatest Burden is minorities. But that's just my opinion.
This poem was based off of US imperialism. This poem was very confusing but from what i do get it seems like the white man's burden is his self. I say this because there is so much self-fishiness and corruption in the governments mind that the white man is his own burden. I use the government when I say this because the government was back then and still is predominately white. The are to busy thinking of them self to think about others and the big picture so they put pressure and force on there self's and there kids. That's my look and opinion on "The White Man's Burden."


Tyson Settle said...

No, that's wrong. The point of the poem is the responsibility of governing the Philippines after the Spanish American War, when America grew up and entered the global scene. He is detailing the costs and honors of colonial service, challenging American young men and the young America to earn the respect of the Older and far larger British Empire.

jamesdond said...

How can you read lines which portray the white man “seeking another’s profit,” or “checking the show of pride” or “waging savage wars of peace while they fill full the mouth of famine and bid sickness cease.” and think that this is anything but the strongest condemnation of America’s pompous foreign policy of the time. Sadly the poem still applies.