Friday, January 4, 2008

Causes of WWI

World War 1 was one of the greatest wars ever. As you may know this war was once called "The Great War." But that changed when WWII came about. WWI started in 1914 and went on through to 1918. As I said before WWI was known one of the greastest wars. This was manly because so many people died. Also because so many different countries came togather and fought each other.
This all started when power started to be exchanged to much in the Entente Powers. This started contrverse between both the Entente and Central Powers. The Entente Powers were the following countries France, Russia, The British Empire, Italy, United States. The Central Powers were the following countries Austro-Hungarian, German, and Ottoman Empire. Even though Russia had there Revolution and had to withdraw from the war, The Entente Powers still crushed the Central Powers.

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