Friday, September 28, 2007

Robespierre and the Reign of Terror

The Region of Terror was a 10 month period during the french revolution. During this 10 month time period there was a wave of exicutions. Then the Committee of Public Saftey was created. This committee was created on April 6th, 1793. The Committee of Public Saftey was created preserve the reform of the French revolution. The Region of Terror was also known as "The Terror." The Terror started on September 5, 1793. The Terror got bigger and turned in to the la Grande Terreur (The Great Terror).

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The French Revolution: Social Causes

The French Revolution was a great time for france. The revolution happened on july 14, 1789. This was 13 years and 10 days after the american revolution. Before the french revolution france was basical an absolute monarcy. The revolution lasted 10 years. After the monarcy fell france went through many different forms of goverment. Non of the goverments lasted more than 4 years, but it was better than when King Louis XVI was in power.

The 3 estates were the clergy, nobility, and commoners. National Assembly was the name of the thrid estate after it separated from the Estates-General. The estates-general was a institusion in france that hadn't met in 175 years. But on May 5, 1789 King Louis XVI called them togather. In 1792 King Louis XVI was killed.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Copernicus and the trial of Galileo

Galileo was a solar physicists. Galileo came to Rome on February 13th 1633. He was summoned to Rome September 23, 1632. That's a year before he actually got there. Galileo was called to the Holly Office. As you may or may not no he was put on trail for saying that the sun is the center of the universe. Even though now a days we know that Galileo was telling the truth back in the 1600's the Catholic Church didn't believe in that. And they put him on trail for not going by there believes. As you may know the Church controlled everything from law, taxes, death, etc. Galileo was interrogated for the first time on April 12th 1633. The trail went on for a while. Then on June 22nd 1633 Galileo was forced to kneel in front of the Inquisition and take up the Catholic Church's believe.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Scientific Revolution: Scientific Method

\begin{figure} \centerline{\vbox to 3.5in{\epsfxsize=3 in\epsfbox[0 -50 612 742]{1.intro/}} \box2 }\end{figure}

Have you ever heard of the Scientific Method. Many kids and famous scientist have used it over the years. The Scientific Method is a way to test or do a project. There are many ways to use it. Most people use it if they are wondering something. The method consist of the following steps:
* Tittle (Main Idea) (Usually is a question)
* Materials (What you will need 2 do your project)
* Hypothesis (What you think the outcome will be)
* Research (Your information)
* Steps (Step by step go through what you did)
* Test (Do the experiment)
* Conclusion (Was your hypothesis right) (Wrap up the project)
* Abstracted (A summary about the experiment)
* Bibliography (Where you got your information from/All of your sources)
That is the Scientific Method.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Evolution vs Creation

Evolution is the theory that says life is based on our ansectors. Its like human evolution. We evolved from monkeys and other creaters. So more advanced organisms are made from sampler organisms. This is the process of evolution. The main objective of this theory is that over time we were slowly created by our simple ancestors. Evolution is a very slow process. So if this theory is corrected then it would take thousands of years just for one species of any organism to evolve.

Creation is the theory that says life waz based on God and Religion. There are different types of Religions and beliefes such as Judaism, Christainity, Islam, etc. The theory of Creation says that earth and everything else was created by one person. That person is God. Some people believe that Gos is an all powerful being that controls everything from your life all the way to your after life. And others think God is just a mith. Something that was cooked up so people would have something to wership beside a goat like some cultures do.