Thursday, September 27, 2007

The French Revolution: Social Causes

The French Revolution was a great time for france. The revolution happened on july 14, 1789. This was 13 years and 10 days after the american revolution. Before the french revolution france was basical an absolute monarcy. The revolution lasted 10 years. After the monarcy fell france went through many different forms of goverment. Non of the goverments lasted more than 4 years, but it was better than when King Louis XVI was in power.

The 3 estates were the clergy, nobility, and commoners. National Assembly was the name of the thrid estate after it separated from the Estates-General. The estates-general was a institusion in france that hadn't met in 175 years. But on May 5, 1789 King Louis XVI called them togather. In 1792 King Louis XVI was killed.

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