Monday, September 10, 2007

Scientific Revolution: Scientific Method

\begin{figure} \centerline{\vbox to 3.5in{\epsfxsize=3 in\epsfbox[0 -50 612 742]{1.intro/}} \box2 }\end{figure}

Have you ever heard of the Scientific Method. Many kids and famous scientist have used it over the years. The Scientific Method is a way to test or do a project. There are many ways to use it. Most people use it if they are wondering something. The method consist of the following steps:
* Tittle (Main Idea) (Usually is a question)
* Materials (What you will need 2 do your project)
* Hypothesis (What you think the outcome will be)
* Research (Your information)
* Steps (Step by step go through what you did)
* Test (Do the experiment)
* Conclusion (Was your hypothesis right) (Wrap up the project)
* Abstracted (A summary about the experiment)
* Bibliography (Where you got your information from/All of your sources)
That is the Scientific Method.

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